Ready-to-Go Folios: MarketGlide 2030 Folio

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The objectives of the MarketGlide 2030 folio are:

  1. To provide an investment approach designed for retirement in 2030.
  2. To provide an appropriate asset allocation and glide path based on the collective wisdom of the 2030 target date market.
  3. To provide a return that is higher than the 2030 target date market average by tracking that average return, but doing so with reduced management risk and expense.


The MarketGlide 2030 folio implements and maintains an asset allocation that is an average of the largest 2030 target date funds. All of these fund families have greater than $100 million in assets under management and at least 24 months of return history.

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MarketGlide Folios

Last Updated:

Inception Date:

  Folio S&P 500
One Month N/A 0.49%
Three Month N/A 10.62%
Year to Date N/A 12.52%
One Year N/A 40.61%
Three year
N/A 17.74%
Five Year
N/A 17.11%
Since Inception N/A N/A
1 Year Volatility N/A 17.25%

* Returns reflect unfunded model performance from the Inception Date to the present. Your returns may deviate significantly from the values displayed here, due to many factors, including how long after a strategy has been updated that you place orders to update your holdings. No membership or trading fees (other than the indirect cost of the bid-ask spread applicable whenever a transaction is conducted) are included in reported performance.

Note: Tickers and weights for RTG Folios are only available when logged in.

Steps to Create This Folio

  1. Asset class glide paths are derived for each of the 25 largest public target date fund families from published monthly returns.
  2. These glide paths are averaged into an industry average glide path.
  3. The 2030 asset class portfolio is selected from the industry average glide path.
  4. ETFs are used to implement each asset class. Low-cost ETFs are selected based on their ability to effectively track asset class indexes.

Number of Securities

There are generally between 10 and 15 securities in the folio.

Update Frequency

MarketGlide™ 2030 folio allocations are generally updated quarterly.

The following are reevaluated annually:

  • Which target date fund families should be considered during MarketGlide 2030 folio creation.
  • Whether the asset class palette appropriately represents the average target date strategy.

Corporate actions, such as a merger, or other events may prompt changes to the securities at any time.

Please Note

If you do not rebalance quarterly to realign your holdings to the updated MarketGlide 2030 folio allocations, you will not receive the design benefit of having your risk decrease as you approach 2030.

If the characteristics of the Folio have changed substantially, the securities included may change. Also, corporate actions, such as a merger, or other events may cause changes to the securities held at any time. Your returns may deviate significantly from the values displayed here, due to many factors, including how long after a folio has been updated that you place orders to update your holdings. RTGs are updated using market data from multiple sources including Zacks Investment Research ( ), International Data Corporation (IDC) ( ), and other suppliers.